Travel Agent

If you're a travel agent, it pays to know what tax deductions you can claim at tax time. This information will help you to work out what:

  • income and allowances to report
  • you can and can't claim as a work-related deduction
  • records you need to keep.

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Travel agent

Deductions you can claim

Check Mark

You can claim a deduction for travel expenses if you travel away from your home overnight to attend conferences, seminars, training courses or industry promotion events relating to your job.

You can claim a deduction for expenses (such as meals, flights, taxis and accommodation) if the travel directly relates to your job and:

  • your employer provides educational or familiarisation travel to learn about new products or tour destinations, or
  • where you use educational leave to undertake such travel.

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You generally can’t claim a deduction for:

  • personal holidays, even if they are discounted by your employer
  • travel expenses if your employer or another person has paid for these or reimbursed you
  • travel insurance – as these policies cover private items
    such as illness, loss of baggage and theft
  • passport application and renewal fees
  • travel expenses related to taking a family member or friend with you on work travel.

To claim a deduction
for work-related expenses

You can only claim the work-related part of expenses. You can't claim a deduction for any part of the expense that relates to personal use.

You must have a record to prove it.

You must have spent the money yourself and weren't reimbursed

It must be directly related to earning your income

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